
好不容易搞定了火车票(当然不是通过酷讯或者黄牛),把去年写过的抓黄牛脚本重写了一下,提供给各位还在等待购买火车票的 Programmer 使用。说是抓黄牛,自然还包括普通转票者。原理还是通过轮询酷讯网站上的内容,但是增加了几个新特性:

  • 用 re 提供的正则表达式替换掉了 SGMLParser 提高效率
  • 可以轮询多个地址了,比如我到吉安和井冈山都可以,所以我要遍历两个地址
  • 可以将转向链接直接打印在屏幕上了
  • 提供了 Python 3 的 Package 级支持,但是因为 re 模块变更,正则表达式在 Python 3 里无法运行,暂时没心思更新了。

尽管酷讯推出了秒杀器,不过还是觉得不妥,一是没任何输出,谁知道它是否真的能秒到,二是不跨平台,在 Mac 和 Linux 上暂时无法使用。

Patches are welcome. :-)

# encoding: utf-8
# Catch the yellow cattles script
# Author: Xuqing Kuang [email protected]>
# New features:
# * Use regexp to instead of SGMLParser for performance
# * Polling multiple URL at one time.
# * Print out the redirect URL.
# * Basic packages compatible with Python 3
# * Use one regexp to split the href and text of link
# * Update re package usage to compatible with Python 3

import time
import os
import re

import urllib2 as urllib
except ImportError: # Python 3 compatible
import urllib.request, urllib.error

urls = (


keyword = &apos3张&apos
sequence = 60

class TrainTicket(object):
Catch the yellow cattle
def init(self, urls, keyword, sequence = 60):
self.urls = urls
self.keyword = keyword
self.sequence = sequence
self.html = &apos&apos
self.links = []
if hasattr(urllib, &aposbuild_opener&apos):
self.opener = urllib.build_opener()
else: # Python 3 compatible
self.opener = urllib.request.build_opener()
self.result = []
self.re_links = re.compile(&apos&lta.?href=.?&lt/a&gt&apos, re.I)
# self.re_element = re.compile(&apos&apos, re.I) # Hardcode at following
self.requests = []
for url in urls:
if hasattr(urllib, &aposRequest&apos):
request = urllib.Request(url)
else: # Python 3 compatible
request = urllib.request.Request(url)

        request.add_header(&aposUser-Agent&apos, &aposMozilla/5.0&apos)

def get_page(self, request):
    Open the page.
        self.html = self.opener.open(request).read()
    except urllib.HTTPError:
        return False
    return self.html

def get_links(self, html = &apos&apos):
    Process the page, get all of links
    if not html:
        html = self.html
    self.links = self.re_links.findall(html)
    return self.links

def get_element(self, link = &apos&apos):
    Process the link generated by self.get_links().
    Return list of the href and text
    # FIXME: have no idea how to split the href and text with one regex
    # So use two regex for temporary solution
    href = re.findall(&apos(?&lt=href=&quot).*?(?=&quot)&apos, link) # Get the href attribute
    if not href:                                   # Process the no href attr
        href = [&apos&apos]
    text = re.split(&apos(&lt.*?&gt)&apos, link)[2]            # Get the text of link a.
    href.append(text)                              # Append to the list.
    return href

def get_ticket(self, request = None):
    Generate the data structure of tickets for each URL.
    if not request:
        request = self.requests[0]


    i = 0
    while i &lt len(self.links):
        link = self.get_element(self.links[i])
        if not link:
        url = link[0]
        name = link[1]
        if name and name.find(keyword) &gt= 0 and url not in self.cache:
                i, name, url,
        i += 1
    return self.result

def print_tickets(self):
    Process all of URLS and print out the tickets information.
    while 1:
        self.result = []
            print(&aposBegin retrive&apos)
            for request in self.requests:
                print(&aposBegin scan %s&apos % request.get_full_url())
                print(&aposFound %s urls.&apos % len(self.links))
                for r in self.result:
                    print(&aposIndex: %s\nName: %s\nURL: %s\n&apos % (
                        r[0], r[1], r[2]
            print(&aposScan finished, begin sleep %s seconds&apos % self.sequence)
        except KeyboardInterrupt:

if name == &apos__main__&apos:
tt = TrainTicket(urls, keyword, sequence)
